Types of problems in work palce

Sunday, November 30, 2014 1 comments
     Problem in work place defined as conflict in the workplace makes life at a job difficult for employees and workplace conflict is a specific type of disagreement that occurs in a work area. As a employees, we need to make sure desired workplace behavior is clarified or reinforced because many problems faced by employee at workplace. The problem are so undesirable and worrisome, the employer need to take swift, effective solution to stave off a major lost to overcome this problem because so many problems faced by employees in their workplaces is sexual harassment, stress in workplace and communication.

     Sexual harassment at a workplace in unwelcome behavior as it affects not only the terms conditions of employment but also have huge bearing on the working environment of an organization. Therefore this problem has to be understood looking at its causes and possible remedies for effective control. At time employers try to take sexual favors from women employee in return of other benefits and promotions. It can be classified into various categories like physical contact, verbal or non-verbal activities for example if a man's coworkers constantly bombard him with sexual harassment claim.This type of behavior detracts from productivity and morale and doesn't serve any valid purpose, so there's no reason to allow it to continue. Sexual harassment it is a major issue that women and man face at their workplace.

     Stress in the workplace. Almost fifty percent of Malaysia consider their stress levels as having increased between 2007 and 2008 estimate 5,126 a new cases of mental stress every year. Many of these demands are direct result of technological advances that have made work processes easier but on the other hand, require employees to do more tasks, Current technology demands the works to constantly perform near peak level, be competitive and cognizant of technology. In some situation, the organize fails to inform the workers about changes in the business or technology they are using in their system. The worker can feel a constant fear of losing their position if they do not work efficiently and perform well. Employees must overcome stress in the workplace.

     Communication. Communication is essential for effective functioning in every part of an organization. Although marketing, production, finance, personnel and maintenance departments may receive direction from corporate goals. The problem would be communication among the employees and the management of the organization. In the workplace today we are likely to have a diverse mix of culture, age, race and gender balance. Nonverbal communication varies among all of these and also on the different context of the workplace like meetings and conferences, Every day when I'm going to work early morning and arriving at the office, colleagues usually wave their hand and smile at each other is very important at working place because when my boss asking me to do important task so by communication I can find my friends help but some managers will not wave and smile back but just nod his or her head to show that they acknowledge it. To sum up, effective communication is so important for an organization.

     In conclusion, employees need to be aware all the time and have the courage to face all the problems and w the way to handle all the dilemmas that arise in their workplace. Therefore, the employer should reduce conflict that had by employees so that problem having by employees can be reduced by the conflict off in early stages . If employer do not overcome this problem, the future generation or employees have to live in harder situation. As we say, "prevention is better than cure''.
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Clean Slate

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 0 comments

     Do you ever remember how Catwomen was finding a programme named 'clean slate' which wipe every information about someone on the datebase of the Earth - an ultimate tool for a master thief (darkknight trilogy reference). Currently pursuing tertiary education in North University of Malaysia, there, it was my clean slate, a place to start all over with. why not University Malaysia Sabah? That's the question I been hearing since I first entered here, something I had in mind was if you are gonna life outside, to be independant to learn about survival, to learn how to DIY, would you achieve that by staying on your backyard? and to have a chance to see what's outside of the world is to travel. What I Believe was the one who back from travel was not the same as the one who left. 

     Haha I been teased that I should bring some rice back as souvenir as Kedah was well know as it's paddy fields. It wasn't as bad as I thought after all and now I really miss my family. After been through the tiresome orientation with barely 2 hours of good sleep I think the purpose of such packed orientation activity was to devour our homesick because there will be no time for homesick you will just have something to do. Yeah finally I'm back to blog, stay tuned for more :) 
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10 Reasons why Malaysians are simple minded and ignorants.

Saturday, September 22, 2012 2 comments
1) We travelled less. I know since the airport shifted so far and the passport fees increased some years ago, many people rather not travel overseas. So we don't get to see how well other countries improved. I know of people who have not been to Singapore for 10 over years when a 2 way bus ticket cost less than 80 rm. Most people have not even been to Thailand.

2) We believed too much on our government in the past. Mahathir used to tell us we are lucky and we believed. So we are trained to be contended and dont need to improve attitude.

3) Our currency dropped. In the past, Malaysians always go to Singapore, since our value dropped so much, Singapore become too expensive to visit. 

4) Our education standard and level dropped. Naturally, when teachers dropped, students dropped. When students dropped, our future people dropped. When people dropped, mentally dropped.

5) The rich ones and the smart ones mostly left and don't come back. Left behind the simple minded ones.

6) We are poor. We don't have the money or extra time to learn. Buying books cost money. Surfing net cost time. Especially when a big majority of our income already went into the car, leaving us poor or broke. So most people are busy finding ways to subsidize their income, leaving them no spare time to understand politics or the government. So more ignorants.

7) We are groomed to be stupid and simple minded. Look at our newspapers news. We are always fed with stupid news of politicians blaming on each other's personal affairs instead of pointing to the party or the chief.. So much so that we don't know how to vote for the right party eventually.

8) Our newspapers never educate us. In foreign countries, newspapers is the.main source of education and knowledge for their adult citizens. Here, we mostly read government propaganda, political fights and crimes.

9) We are not trained or encouraged to learn from foreigners. We are always brainwashed to think that the advanced countries have a bad culture or bad influence on us. The only foreign policy we are encouraged was "look east" but that was actually an excuse to promote cronyism and privatisation of government jobs.

10) We are trained to be jealous of countries who are better than us but always encouraged to be compared with countries behind us. So slowly our mentality went behind and become simple.

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Divulge - The repo man

Thursday, August 16, 2012 1 comments

     We all know that backstabbers are everywhere-double talker, gossiper and an untrustworthy person. There is something extra hurtful when you are back stabbed by someone you know. These people are sugar coated, portraying what they are not, a friend. They gossip about you, but how ignorance they are that others won't do the same.So, basically look before inside the mirror before you judge anyone, like anyone.Are you not better them? Selfish and jealousy are the reason, the root. Its all good, until they started to spread rumors to crush down your reputation. what to do?

     Find the source! Who when where what. Basically when you are reading this, you already know what they are talking about you. Try to view from their opinion, get the insight that you will never see. Maybe that's the problem you need to solve, give em a change, for better. Same goes to a dream. Dream will tell you what you should be doing and hints. Try to be high in emotional quality for basically gossip are targeting you, you must got something to hook up with. Not to be furious, keep your head cool and calm. Think and conquer your mind. 'Thanks' them for indirectly pointing out your mistakes, for you to learn , to become a better man

     Restore your reputation. If the gossip involve any third party. You need to speak up to them, explain with you sincere heart ! As the saying goes honesty is the best policy.You are genuine upfront , you got nothing to hide. Feel sorry and admit for your mistake and remember do ask for forgiveness. If he/she din't want to hear your explanation over regrets , then its a friend that doesn't meant to be, fated. Important thing is not to exert too much effort proving your backstabber is wrong. Instead your explanation should came across genuine. Ask for a second chance, a chance that you actually cherish  the relationship you having now. Human souls are weak, we do make mistakes and its depend on us want to learn from it. 

     learn to forgive them :) . Forgive them just like how God forgive us. Forgive doesn't mean forget. Let it go as a way to lift your burden on these backstabber for them as for yourself. Why bother wasting precious time on them ? Scars are the marks that remind us how we got it and will be harder and more resistant to it. At least you know their true side before they make something even bigger. One day, you are going to look back in your backstabber episode for them you learnt an important lesson : thanks to them , you know who you friends are ! 

    Speaking from experience here. I know its hurt to have your friend turned on you. Thanks them for the killing blow that actually made your life a little bit different and ...interesting. Here's a video that might lose the tense on you ha ha - we have Dean from supernatural 

*No insults intended*

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Sunday, July 29, 2012 3 comments

20 of July 3:20p.m. , mark the grief moment of a fallen hero, a mother to 11 children, my beloved grandmother :( !

It was a dark Friday afternoon after I just ended my trail exam ....relief that the exam week finally over with just few hours of nap...tensed with the call from my auntie that grandmother's heartbeats stopped ! An unease feeling surge through me when all of the phone rang at the same time to inform the news. Later, we made haste to D'house. I could felt then tense in the car, without a words from my father, he  
probably already knew what this moment would came, just the matter of time. 

So unfortunate for my brothers and sister as they are coming back the next day, was unable to saw her for the last time. Arrived, the atmosphere of the house seem so gloomy and dark, nobody seem want to utter a word, cries would broke the silent. All member of the house already ready for the funeral, planning from the undertaker to the priest , from the doctor to the coffin maker. 

Soon after, the 'square van' arrived to take away the deceased... round table discussion was made to discuss about the funeral. There was a cell group two days after from the church to offer condolence to our family. I could still remember vividly how it came so fast, just saw her few days before and now she is gone....how weak human is, only God could be the savior. Told by my uncle at the confession session, at her very old age, her courage and determination to server the church need to be honored and learned by us, though the knee problem could not be the obstacle for Sunday church service! You are a great one grandmother !

Monday I have to attend the funeral , white shirt and black was the dress code. The operator and the priest do all the job. It was a gloomy day too, the could does not seem to leave and rain does not seem to fall too ! 
She was watching us, probably? After prayers...each and every one of us hold some dirt and throw it to the top of the coffin after it was earthed, as a mark of farewell and goodbye. followers followed after. 

I believe that there will be a place for the in the heaven :) .Though sickness conquered her life but I could saw a weakly smile at her end time for she had conquered death , she has no regrets in her life. Responsible is her second name, for she raised 11 children and it is not easy...we could see it from another solid proof, all the jewelry she already marked with our names in order to give them back if something happened to her. From her Bible, there are prayers made for us...hoping our safety and well being...! Here's a song that made me cried....the amazing grace :,). Goodbye grandmother...you will always be remembered and rest in peace....

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Three Kingdoms

Saturday, June 30, 2012 1 comments

曹操(贼),刘备(义),孙权(正),这都是东汉末年的三分天下,千百年以前又浮现在今世,一切又从头。我班呢,本来大家都和睦共处,却在某某事情上意见起了冲突, 反 了 目 ,成了仇,说来遗憾!



所有的事都会成为''那一年'' 有些事情,要放得开,握得太紧,东西会碎,手也会疼。青春不留人而時間是賊 偷走一切,唯有珍惜才能永远活在自己的青春 !三分天下, 合久必分 ,分久必合,古今多少事,多少过眼云烟都融入笑谈中!

我们都拥有很多美好与很深刻的回忆,我害怕失去的是曾经的单纯快乐,曾经的感动,曾经的相陪和已经拥有的...友谊 !深夜无法入睡,就会去看看回忆满天的星空,也看看五月天的演唱会,虽然不是在现场,可感觉就很像LIVE !

有沒有那麼一種永遠 永遠不改變 擁抱過的美麗都 再也不破碎
有沒有那麼一滴眼淚 能洗掉後悔 化成大雨降落在 回不去的街
有沒有那麼一個世界 永遠不天黑 星星太陽萬物都 聽我的指揮
有沒有那麼一朵玫瑰 永遠不凋謝 永遠驕傲和完美 永遠不妥協
有沒有那麼一張書籤 停止那一天 最單純的笑臉和 最美那一年
有沒有那麼一首詩篇 找不到句點 青春永遠定居在 我們的歲月
有沒有那麼一個明天 重頭活一遍 讓我再次感受曾 揮霍的昨天
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The 9 reasons

Friday, June 22, 2012 0 comments

Imagine this scene: You’re walking down the streets at Orchard. You see this attractive woman walking past you. She is your type of girl, long waving hair, sweet smile with a seductive pair of eyes. She also has nice fair skin and a pair of sexy long legs. You want to talk to her, but you’re scared and you have no idea what to say. Before you know it, she’s gone, and you never see her again. Sad isn’t it? And I’m sure it happens a lot to you. Today I’ll be giving you 9 reasons on why you should approach a girl that you like and talk to her.

1. Hard work

They spend a lot of time, money and effort to be attractive to the opposite sex and that means you guys. If you have a sister or a young woman in your house, you will realize the amount of time the woman spends in the toilet when she is getting ready for a date or just going out. What do you think she is doing inside? I don’t know, but she is definitely spending a lot of time just to get ready. Why? I think she wants to look her best when she’s out there, so she can attract the best male.

Besides time, women also spend huge amount of money on beautifying themselves. If you just do a simple search on cosmetic industry, you will realize it is a billion dollar industry. There is money to be made there. Same goes to plastic surgeries. Some women may go under the knife for bigger breasts or sharper nose to attract the opposite sex. They also spend money on their hair, clothing and shoes and etc.

Next, they can spend whole day going out with their girlfriends for a shopping trip, buy nothing and still be happy about it. For the guys, it will be impossible for us to do that, but they can. This is because they want to make sure they want to buy the clothing that can make them look good. And, you will hear women say this a lot, “Oh no, I have nothing to wear” when they probably have 10 times more clothing than you.

2. Women want to be approached

You will think that women do not want to be approached and disturbed by men. How do you know? You are not a woman. Maybe she wants to be approached. The only thing you know for sure when you see a gorgeous woman is that you want to approach her (if you have the butterfly feeling in your stomach), agreed? In fact, it does not matter if she wants to be approached or not. The most important fact is that you want to approach her and get to know her. And linking back to reason 1, if she doesn’t want to be approached, why the hell would she wants to dress in a way that it attracts males’ attention? Think about it. Not to mention, putting on tones of make ups is really uncomfortable, wearing heels are damaging to the feet. Guys, you have been sneakers all your life, try wearing heels for 5 minutes and see how it feels. 

3. Women want men as much as men want women

You see, aside from the lesbians and gays group, women want men too, more than you think! God didn’t put men and women on Earth to be together to be platonic friends. I repeat, we’re here to PROCREATE. If women were made not to be attracted to men, then the human race will cease to exist earlier than you think. And probably I will not be borne to write this article and you won’t be able to read this. 

4. You will never see her again, ever

The thing is you don’t usually see the same people whom you don’t know more than once, especially when you’re overseas or in another state. Now, imagine yourself in another country for a vacation, you see this gorgeous woman. You approach her and have a great conversation, but she rejects you when you ask for her number. Now, it is not going to matter since you aren’t going to see her ever again. You’re going to go back to your country, in a few months, and you’ll forget that you even approached this woman. So, approach or lose the chance of seeing her again.

5. You have nothing to lose

When you approach a woman and express your interest to her but she rejects you, you have not lost anything. In fact, you gained something, you gained experience in approaching a woman, and you can only get better at it. The worst she could do is that she rejects you, that is all. No hard feelings. I’m sorry, actually you do have something to lose if you don’t approach a woman you like, you lose the chance to know if she is interested in you, you lose the chance to see her again, to date her, or even have sex with her. Weigh the pros and cons. But I bet you are already used to losing it right? 

6. No one is approaching her

Most guys think that hot women get approached a lot, but the opposite is the true. Ask your most gorgeous female friend, trust me, the total number of men approach her outside of clubs will probably be less than 50. That’s not a lot, frankly speaking if you take into considerations that one year has 365 days and she is out 5 days a week for her work.  See what I mean? The fact that you approach her gives you an edge over the rest of the male population. One famous saying, “nothing happens until a sale is made”. Nothing is going to happen if you just think about approach a woman instead of taking action! JUST APPROACH HER ALREADY; NO ONE ELSE IS DOING IT!

New information – recently, I chatted up a Malay girl, she told me she gets hit on a lot. Of course in this case, she’s probably referring to Malay brothers. And what this means is that Malay guys have a lot more balls than the Chinese guys in Singapore. I myself am a Chinese but I have to admit this. It’s no wonder the Malay guys are getting our Chinese girls. I have no problem with this – may the biggest balls win. 

7. Women don’t slap you when you approach

The truth is women will not even lay a finger on you, let alone slap you, when you approach them. Usually they do that later in the relationship, yes?  The worst rejection case I got from a woman was “no it’s cool”. I smiled and walked off. No sweat. I did not even lose a single hair or get killed by her. Another example is that she would walk away from you if she’s truly not interested. And that is all. What is so scary about that? Maybe she’s got AIDS and she doesn’t want to pass it to you when you two have sex. Thank god you dodge that bullet, dude.

8. Pretty women don’t drop from the sky

As much as you wish that one day a beautiful woman will just drop on your lap and be your woman, you’re dead wrong! That maybe possible if you’re a rock star and a billionaire, but you aren’t, probably.  So you need to take actions, go and approach her to express your interest. Even, a really gorgeous woman that you really like appear in front of you (because god decided that you deserve one), that doesn’t guarantee you get the girl, because the woman is NOT going to come to you and say, “hey, you know we should hang out one day”. It isn’t their job to do that, it’s YOUR job to do that. Their job is to be pretty and wait for you to approach them.

9. Women love it!
Name me someone doesn’t like to be complimented. That’s bull****. People like to be complimented. Ask yourself this, if someone comes over and mentions that you seem to lose some weight and look like Brad Pitt. Will you be offended? Of course not! You feel that the person just made your day! I have that kind of response before, it makes my day too, since I’m making someone else’s day.  I have approached many women (about 100 when I wrote this), and told them they’re attractive, and I told a female friend of mine that she isn’t pageant material. I got a slap, guess who gave it to me? 

I have given you 9 solid reasons to approach a woman that you find attractive on the street. Re-read it, think it through, and you know I’m right at least on one of the reasons. And really, all you need is JUST ONE reason to approach that girl. Anything else that is coming out of your mind that stops you from approaching is an excuse. Now, what you need to do is go out and compliment the women that you find attractive! Even if they don’t like it, no harm is done. Plus, it’s their loss.

Good Luck, Have Fun
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[Doc] Pudu Prison - Ghost and Apparitions

Sunday, June 17, 2012 0 comments
The Pudu Prison was a prison in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Built in phases by the British colonial government between 1891 and 1895, it was located along Jalan Shaw. The construction began with its 394-metre prison wall at a cost of Straits $16,000, and had been adorned with the world's longest mural at one point in its history. The cells were small and dark, each equipped with a window only the size of a shoebox. Pudu Prison, or better known as Pudu Jail, was built on the site of a former Chinese burial ground. Pudu was by then a dense jungle area, with tigers occasionally roaming around. Construction began in 1891, using convicts as workforce. It took about four years and was finally complete in 1895.

(ghost stories )
“Once, a police officer was interviewing prisoners and it was getting late. However, he said that he could interview one more, and I went down to bring another one.“As he was filling in some forms he saw a figure sitting down. Thinking it was another prisoner he looked up, only to see a headless woman with blood flowing down her chest. The officer ran down the stairs as fast as he could,” he says.'

'Haji Aziz Haji Idris tells of an encounter while on duty at one of the guard towers when he was still a young officer.“It was shortly after midnight and I was on night duty with another person when I saw an officer approaching. As we had been trained, I banged my rifle on the floor and shouted out ‘Everything all right, sir!”Aziz says the figure said nothing but raised his hand, and then suddenly disappeared.''

“Anyone who slept there would be sure to feel an unseen force pressing down on his chest. They may try to shout or move but will be helpless to do anything,” he says, adding that some would rather sleep on the floor than use the bunk.

''Abu Bakar also recalls a weird phenomenon – a ball of fire the size of a football that suddenly appeared and rolled out of sight.“It happened every once in a while, and in cycles. Everyone would be talking about it for a while,” he says.

''But the scariest tale is that of a recurring apparition of a woman. Aziz believes it was the ghost of a woman who was hanged there.“She had tried to kill herself previously by slitting her throat. She survived but before she was fully recovered, the execution order came,” he says.“She was brought to the execution chamber and hanged – but because of the injury, her head was literally torn off. It was a gruesome death and that is the ghost that many people have seen.”

“I was on duty at Block D, where death row is located, and directly above the execution chamber is a huge anchor stone.“Out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure sitting on this stone. Malays believe ghosts’ feet do not touch the ground, and when I bent over to look, the figure disappeared,” he says. 

''There are rumours that Pudu Prison is haunted. There have been reports of a strange Indian man walking the halls of the prison and disappearing around the corner. Screams have been heard from rooms where hangings have taken place, and there are certain areas of the prison that are far colder than others. Russell Lee, the author of the book series True Singapore Ghost Stories included a story of a prisoner in Pudu Prison in one of his books. The prisoner reported hearing screaming from the rotan caning area, and he also heard the story that one prisoner committed suicide in order to avoid being caned. Supposedly his ghost stops the last stroke of the cane being given, and the prisoner personally reported this experience happening to him. According to several websites, the reason that Pudu Prison is being turned back into a prison for low-security prisoners is because no-one would buy it as for commercial property because of the hauntings.

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[Ads] Wanting Qu (曲婉婷)

Sunday, June 3, 2012 0 comments
Wanting qu first album 《Everything In The World》 included songs created for her parents '' hide away '' and '' shell '' , with a couple of songs featuring in the movie 在线爱 (You Exist In My Song)and 春娇与志明(Drenched)

Chinese name             : 曲婉婷
English name              : Wanting Qu
Nationality                   : Mainland China
Date of birth                : 1983/10/10
Album                         : Everything in the world
Preferred instruments : Piano , guitar 
Music genre                : pop
horoscope                  : Libra
Songs selection :

Actually I know her from a friend , a friend which have good music taste and she often recommends me fresh artist !  You will never know how glad you are that you found a good song and keep it on your playlist the day after  ! Her song basically tells my story pretty much , especially the song '' Everything in the world '' and '' you exit in my song '' , got hooked with the lyrics , with her voice , just loving it ! Her style might be similar to Joanna wang and Karen Mok , both are my fav too !

Hope you guys like it ! Comment to share your views !
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motherly motherhood

Sunday, May 13, 2012 0 comments

My brother and I , well the third one are having a gap of 8 years ....am I the unexpected child on a failed family planner? I did ask my parents about it and I don't seem to get a definite answer. What if I was adopted? ...but whatever the answer is....I just don't care because I'm a son to a greatest mother ever ! I do cherish the bond within :) ! Right at d'day , I saw many of my friends bought gifts to their mothers too , cakes , flowers , cards and even spend her with one fine dinner. As for me, nothing special , I helped her with the chores just like everyday. I wish I got a job, only then i got the chance to give her the best of the world , which is now I can't afford nor she wanted me to waste such money on these items ! It is not wise to spend her with her own money, she would have save it , for greater use she said , what a wise mum I had ! My sister , Ashley , did send her 3 pink carnation though she is working aboard , and yet still surprised her ! I heard that the florist is a friend of her, one long distance call and one bouquet , seem to have the magic to make her warm and happy ! Happy mother‘s day ,stay happy and keep on fighting ageing ! Mothers are precious , its never too late to appreciate yours :X 

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